The E4E Methodology


What is Edutainment?

The use of art, multiple learning modalities and self-reflection coupled with field tested and research validated strategies, to improve performance and cultivate professional and personal growth. Through edutainment and our seasoned facilitators, we cultivate a nurturing, soothing and brave learning environment that expands beyond professional development. We will not only develop your team’s skills, we will also deepen their investment in the work and ground them in purpose.


Who We Are

Our company is an idea, an androgogical and pedagogical concept rooted in an understanding of the apocalyptic nature of our times.  We are healers, whose work is in itself a reparation, a balm to restore democratic ideas, to unify people beyond the color of their skin, to help people recognize our connection to each other, and our connection to the earth.

Our symbol is the ancient Adinkra totem Funtunfunefu Denkemfunefu, siamese crocodiles who share the same stomach.   Two reptiles who each represent two ideals sharing one body, an idea transmorphed from the critical minds of WEB Dubois and KRS ONE.  We are an education organization committed to helping organizations and individuals better serve the needs of the communities we care about, the people we love.  We are an entertainment organization dedicated to using media as tools for social transformation, building cultural technologies to repair, resist and restore.  We are a consulting company providing professional and strategic development for institutions and individuals prioritizing equity and inclusion.  We are an arts organization creating innovative tools to combat internal, interpersonal and institutional racism.  Two crocodiles sharing a mission and vision for the world.  We are Edutainment for Equity.