3 Ways to Ensure the Success of Your Strategic Plan
We’ve all been there…
You put in the work. Week after week, putting your strategic plan together only to have it sit in a digital folder to be opened quarterly at most. We get it! Things get busy, emergent issues take attention away from the long term goals, and before you know it an entire quarter has gone by. Below we have outlined 3 ways to ensure your strategic plan is implemented.
#1 Elect an Accountability Manager
Choose (or have someone self select) to be the accountability manager for the strategic plan. This person will be responsible for ensuring that the strategic plan is carried out. This person will act as the project manager for the strategic plan: tracking progress, checking in with staff about the items that are assigned to them, and making necessary changes or shifts.
#2 Integrate the Strategic Plan into Your Team Meetings
Integrating your strategic plan into team meetings on a regular basis ensures that you stay connected to your goals and make consistent progress. Set aside 10 minutes in each staff meeting to review progress and upcoming deadlines and problem solve challenges. If this model is not a good fit for your team, set a quarterly meeting dedicated specifically to reviewing the strategic plan instead.
#3 Use Visuals to Monitor Progress
Do you remember the sticker charts that teachers used in grade school? The sticker chart was a visual symbol of your progress in class. Why not use this strategy for your strategic plan? Post it in your office and add a sticker to completed items. When a goal is accomplished, celebrate with your team. This will keep the momentum going and boost morale because progress is inspiring!